Refereed Publications
Short Communications, Notes, Brief Reports
Keynote or Invited Presentations
Conferences or Symposium with Published Proceedings
Other Conferences or Presentations
Government and Other Reports
Refereed Publications
52. Deline, C., É. Choiniére, B. Gilchrist, “Assessment of plasma flow effect on Langmuir triple probe operations via kinetic simulation”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, in-press Rev. Sci. Inst., 2009.
51. Musinski, L., T. Liu, B. Gilchrist, A. Gallimore, “Electrostatic Charging of Micro-and Nano-Particles for Use with Highly Energetic Applications,” Journal of Electrostatics, 67, pp. 54-61, 2008.
50. Sanmartín, J. R., E. Choinière, B. E. Gilchrist, J-B. Ferry, and M. Martínez-Sánchez, Bare-Tether Sheath and Current: Comparison of Asymptotic Theory and Kinetic Simulations in a Stationary Plasma, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 36 (Issue 5, Part 4), pp. 2851-2858, Oct. 2008.
49. Deline, C., B. Gilchrist, C. Dobson, J. E. Jones, and D. G. Chavers, High accuracy plasma density measurement using hybrid Langmuir probe and microwave interferometer method, Rev. Sci. Inst., 78, 113504, November, 2007 (DOI:10.1063/1.2813885).
48. Choiniére, É. and Brian Gilchrist, Self-Consistent 2-D Kinetic Simulations of High-Voltage Plasma Sheaths Surrounding Ion-Attracting Conductive Cylinders in Flowing Plasmas, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, V35, No. 1, pp. 7—22, February 2007.
47. Choiniére, É., B. E. Gilchrist, S. Bilén, K. Fuhrhop, and A. Gallimore, Experimental Investigation of Electron Collection to Solid and Slotted Tape Probes in a High-speed Flowing Plasma, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, V33, No. 4, pp. 131—1323, August 2005.
46. Neubert, T. and B. E. Gilchrist, Relativistic electron beam injection from spacecraft: performance and applications, Adv. Space Research, JASR6924, V34, No. 11, pp. 2409-2412, 2004.
45. Gilchrist, B. E., S. Bilén, É. Choiniére, A. Gallimore, and T. Smith, Analysis of chamber simulations of long collecting probes in high-speed, dense plasmas, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, V30, No. 5, pp. 20232034, Oct. 2002.
44. Neubert, T. and B. E. Gilchrist, Particle simulations of relativistic electron beam injection from spacecraft, J. Geophys Res., 107, No. A8, pp. SIA 9-1 to SIA 9-10, Aug. 2002.
43. Neubert, T. and B. E. Gilchrist, 3D Electromagnetic PIC simulations of relativistic electron pulse injections from spacecraft, Adv. Space Res., 29, No. 9, pp. 1385-1390, 2002.
42. Gilchrist, B. E., K.L. Jensen, A.D. Gallimore, J. Severns, Space Based Applications For FEA Cathodes (FEACs), Materials Issues in Vacuum Microelectronics: Symposium Proceedings, (Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA, 2000) V 621, p R481-R487, 2000.
41. Bilén, S. G. and B. E. Gilchrist, Transient Plasma Sheath Model for Thin Conductors Excited by Negative High Voltage with Application to Electrodynamic Tethers, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, V28 N6, p 20582074, Dec 2000.
40. Khazanov, G. V., M. W. Liemohn, E. N. Krivorutsky, J. U. Kozyra, J. M. Albert, and B. E. Gilchrist, On the influence of the initial pitch angle distribution on relativistic electron beam dynamics, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 16093, 2000.
39. Aguero, V. M., B. E. Gilchrist, S. D. Williams, W. J. Burke, L. Krause, L.C. Gentile, “Current collection model characterizing shuttle charging during the tethered satellite system missions.” J. Spacecraft & Rockets, 37, pp. 212-217, Mar-Apr, 2000.
38. S. G. Ohler, B. E. Gilchrist, A. D. Gallimore, “Electromagnetic signal modification in a localized high-speed plasma flow: Simulations and experimental validation of a stationary plasma thruster,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol.27, no.2, pp.587-594, April 1999.
37. G. V. Khazanov, M. W. Liemohn, E. N. Krivorutsky, J. M. Albert, J. U. Koznra and B. E. Gilchrist, Relativistic electron beam propagation in the Earth’s magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 28587-99, 1999.
36. Raitt, W. J., D. C. Thompson, B. E. Gilchrist, and V. M. Aguero, Electrical charging of space platforms at low earth orbit altitudes, Adv. Space Res., 24, No. 8, pp. 1015-1025, 1999.
35. Khazanov, G. V., M. W. Liemohn, E. N. Krivorutsky, J. U. Kozyra and B. E. Gilchrist, Interhemispheric transport of relativistic electron beams, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, No. 5, p. 581-4, 1 March 1999.
34. Indiresan, R., B. Gilchrist, S. Basu, J.-P. Lebreton, E. P. Szuszczweicz, Simultaneous, dual-point, in situ measurements of ionospheric structures using space tethers: TSS-1R observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 3725-3728, Oct. 1, 1998.
33. Gilchrist, B. E., R. Heelis and W. J. Raitt, Ionospheric Multi-Point Measurements using Tethered Satellite Sensors, Geophysical Monograph 103, Measurement Techniques in Space Plasmas: Fields, American Geophys. Union, edited by R. Pfaff, p. 317-323, 1998.
32. Agüero, V.M., W. J. Burke, B. E. Gilchrist, N. H. Stone, L. C. Gentile, S. D. Williams, D. L. Cooke, D. C. Thompson, C. Bonifazi and J.-P. Lebreton, Current Collection at the Shuttle Orbiter during the Tethered Satellite System Tether Break, J. Geophys Res, 104, 105, 1999.
31. Garvin, C., B. E. Gilchrist, D. S. Grimard, J. W. Grizzle, “Measurement and error evaluation of electrical parameters at plasma relevant frequencies and impedances,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 16, No. 2, p.p. 595606, March-April, 1998.
30. Gilchrist, B. E., C. Bonifazi, S. G. Bilén, W.J. Raitt, W. J. Burke, N. H. Stone, J. P. Lebreton, “Enhanced electrodynamic tether currents due to electron emission from a neutral gas discharge: Results from the TSS-1R mission,” Geophys. Res. Lett.,Vol. 25 , No. 4, p. 437-440, 1998.
29. Williams, S. D., B. E. Gilchrist, V. M. Aguero, R. S. Indiresan, D. C. Thompson, and W. J. Raitt, “Measurements of induced potential and natural electric fields using an electrodynamic tether double probe: TSS-1R Results,” Geophys. Res. Lett.,Vol. 25 , No. 4, p. 445-448, 1998.
28. Thompson, D.C., C. Bonifazi, B.E. Gilchrist, S.D. Williams, W.J. Raitt, J.-P. Lebreton, and W.J. Burke, “The Current-Voltage Characteristics of a Large Probe in Low Earth Orbit: TSS-1R Results,” Geophys. Res. Lett.,Vol. 25 , No. 4, p. 415-418, 1998.
27. Aguero, V. M., S. D. Williams, B. E. Gilchrist, L. H. Krause, D. C. Thompson, and W. J. Raitt, “Plasma current collection at the shuttle orbiter during TSS-1R high voltage charging,” Geophysical Research Letters., 25, No. 5, pp. 729-732, 1998.
26. Gentile, L. C., W. J. Burke, C. Y. Huang, J. S. Machuzak, D. A. Hardy, D. G. Olson, B. E. Gilchrist, J.-P. Lebreton, C. Bonifazi, “Negative shuttle charging during TSS-1R,” Geophys. Res. Lett.,Vol. 25 , No. 4, pp. 433-436, 1998.
25. Burke, W. J., C. Bonifazi, D. A. Hardy, J. S. Machuzak, L. C. Gentile, D. G. Olson, C. Y. Huang, B. E. Gilchrist, J.-P. Lebreton, C. A. Gurgiolo, “Shuttle charging by tether controlled electron beam,” Geophys. Res. Lett.,Vol. 25 , No. 5, p. 717-720, 1998.
24. Burke, W. J., W. J. Raitt, D. C. Thompson, J. S. Machuzak, L. C. Gentile, B. E. Gilchrist, C. Y. Huang, D. L. Cooke, D. A. Hardy, D. G. Olson, C. Bonifazi, “Shuttle charging by fixed energy beam emissions,” Geophys. Res. Lett.,Vol. 25 , No. 5, p. 725-728, 1998.
23. Huang, C. Y., W. J. Burke, D. A. Hardy, M. P. Gough, D. G. Olson, L. C. Gentile, B. E. Gilchrist, C. Bonifazi, W. J. Raitt, D. C. Thompson, “Cerenkov emissions of ion acoustic-like waves generated by electron beams emitted during TSS 1R,” Geophys. Res. Lett.,Vol. 25 , No. 5, p. 721-724, 1998.
22. Bilen, S. G., V. M. Aguero, Brian E. Gilchrist, and W. John Raitt, “Transient potential modification of large spacecraft due to electron emissions: TSS-1 results”, J. Spacecr Rockets, vol 34, no 5, pp. 655-661, 1997.
21. Gilchrist, B. E., S. G. Ohler, A. D. Gallimore “Flexible Microwave System to Measure the Electron Number Density and Quantify the Communications Impact of Electric Thruster Plasma Plumes,” Rev. Sci. Inst., Vol. 68, No. 2, February, 1997.
20. S. G. Ohler, B. E. Gilchrist, A. D. Gallimore, “Microwave Plume Measurements of a Stationary Plasma Thruster,” J. Propulsion and Power, vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 1016-1021, November-December, 1998.
19. Neubert, T., B. E. Gilchrist, S. Wilderman, L. Habash, and H.J. Wang, Relativistic electron beam propagation in the Earth’s atmosphere: Modeling results, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol 23, No.9, pp. 1009-1012, May 1, 1996.
18. Bilén, S. G., B. E. Gilchrist, C. Bonifazi, E. Melchioni, “Transient response of an electrodynamic tether system in the ionosphere: TSS-1 first results,” Radio Science, Vol. 30, No. 5, 1995.
17. S. G. Ohler, B. E. Gilchrist, A. D. Gallimore, “Non-intrusive electron number density measurements in the plume of a 1 kW arcjet using a modern microwave interferometer,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 23(3), 428-435, 1995.
16. T. Neubert, B. Gilchrist, and E. Ungstrup, “AMPAS-a new active experiment mission,” Adv. Space Res. 15(12), 3-12, 1995.
15. G. A. Berg, W. J. Raitt, D. C. Thompson, B. E. Gilchrist, N. B. Meyers, P. Rodriguez, and H. R. Anderson, “Overview of the effects of neutral gas releases on high voltage sounding rocket platforms,” Adv. Space Res., 15, 83-86, 1995.
14. Raitt, W. J., J. Ernstmeyer, N. B. Myers, A. B. White, S. Sasaki, K.-I. Oyama, N. Kawashima, A. C. Fraser- Smith, B. E. Gilchrist and T. J. Hallinan, VLF Wave Experiments in Space using a modulated electron beam, J. Spacecraft, 32, 670-679, 1995.
13. Katz, I., M. Mandell, E. Melchioni, M. Oberhardt, D. Thompson, T. Neubert and B. Gilchrist, Observations of ionospheric heating in the TSS-1 subsatellite presheath, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 8961-8970, 1994.
12. Aguero, V., P. M. Banks, B. Gilchrist, I. Linscott, W. J. Raitt, D. Thompson, V. Tolat, A. B. White, S. Williams and P. R. Williamson, The Shuttle Electrodynamic Tether System (SETS) on TSS-1, Il Nuovo Cimento, Jan-Feb 1994.
11. Bonifazi, C., G. Manarini, J. Sabbagh, F. Svelto, D. C. Thompson, B. E. Gilchrist, P. M. Banks and M. Dobrowolny, Tethered Satellite System (TSS): Preliminary results on the active experiment core equipment, Il Nuovo Cimento, 16, 515-538, 1993.
10. Neubert, T., S. Sasaki, B. Gilchrist, P. Banks, P. R. Williamson, A. Fraser-Smith and W. J. Raitt, Observations of plasma wave turbulence generated around large ionospheric spacecraft: effects of motionally induced EMF and of electron beam emission, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 9639-9654, 1991.
9. Gilchrist, B. E., Measurements of electron beam and neutral gas emissions in a space plasma during an ionospheric modification experiment, Stanford University, Ph.D., 1991.
8. Gilchrist, B.E., P. M. Banks, T. Neubert, P. R. Williamson, N. B. Myers, W. J. Raitt and S. Sasaki, Electron collection enhancement arising from neutral gas jets on a charged vehicle in the ionosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 2469-2475, 1990.
7. Neubert, T., M. J. Mandell, S. Sasaki, B. E. Gilchrist, P. M. Banks, P. R. Williamson, W. J. Raitt, N. B. Myers, K. I. Oyama and I. Katz, The sheath structure around a negatively charged rocket payload, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 6155-6165, 1990.
6. Neubert, T., P. Banks, B. Gilchrist, A. Fraser-Smith, P. R. Williamson, W. J. Raitt, N. Myers and S. Sasaki, The interactions of an artificial electron beam with the Earth’s upper atmosphere: effects on spacecraft charging and the near-plasma environment, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 12209-12217, 1990.
5. Myers, N. B., W. J. Raitt, A. B. White, P. M. Banks, B. E. Gilchrist and S. Sasaki, CHARGE-2: A sounding rocket experiment to investigate vehicle charging effects due to electron beam emission, J. Spacecr. Rockets, 27, 25-37, 1990.
4. Banks, P.M., B. E. Gilchrist, T. Neubert, N. B. Myers, W. J. Raitt, P. R. Williamson, A. C. Fraser-Smith and S. Sasaki, CHARGE-2 rocket observations of vehicle charging and charge neutralization, Adv. Space Res., 10, 133-136, 1990.
3. Myers, N. B., W. J. Raitt, B. E. Gilchrist, P. M. Banks, T. Neubert, P. R. Williamson and S. Sasaki, A comparison of current-voltage relationships of collectors in the earth’s ionosphere with and without electron beam emission, Geophys. Res. Lett., 16, 365-368, 1989.
2. Banks, P.M. and B. E. Gilchrist, Artificial plasma density structures produced by energetic electron beams from rockets and spacecraft, Geophys. Res. Lett., 12, 175-178, 1985.
1. Smith, L.G. and B. E. Gilchrist, Rocket observations of electron density in the nighttime E region using Faraday rotation, Radio Sci., 19, 913-924, 1984.
Short Communications, Notes, Brief Reports
5. Gilchrist, B. E., Space Electrodynamic Tethers, Part II, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Newsletter, Winter, 1993.
4. Moore, S.E., B.E. Gilchrist, J.G. Galli, Microwave sampling effective for ultrabroadband frequency conversion, MSN and Comm. Technology, February, 1986.
3. Gilchrist, B., R. Fildes, J. Galli, Sampling hikes performance of frequency synthesizers, Microwaves & RF, 23(1), 93-94, 1984.
2. Galli, J., B. Gilchrist, R. Forse, S. Rempel, Integration shrinks microwave front-ends, Parts I-III, Microwave System News, 10(9), 119, 1980.
1. Galli, J., B. Gilchrist, R. Forse, S. Rempel, Integration shrinks microwave front-ends, Part IV, Microwave System News, 10(10), 70, 1980.
Keynote or Invited Presentations
13. Gilchrist, B. E., Space Tethers: From Space Fiction to Space Reality, 13th Annual Aviation/Aerospace Teacher Workshop, Lansing, MI, 2006 May 20.
12. Gilchrist, B. E., Electrodynamic tethers for in-orbit propulsion: Status and technological issues, IUGG2003, Sapparo, Japan, June 30-July 11, 2003.
11. Eric Choiniére and B. E. Gilchrist, Kinetic Modeling of the Electron Current Collection to a Moving Bare Electrodynamic Tether, 28th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Las Vegas, June 18-23, 2001.
10. B. E. Gilchrist, K. L. Jensen, C. M. Marrese , J. G. Severns, A. D. Gallimore, D. Morris, FEA Cathodes (FEACs) for space based applications, 27th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, New Orleans, June 4-7, 2000.
9. Gilchrist, B. E. and S. G. Bilén, Ground Simulations of Bare Electrodynamic Tethers in a Dense, High-Speed Plasma Flow, American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Washington, D. C., 2000.
8. DARPA, Washington, DC, “System Considerations of Electrodynamic Tethers for Propulsion and Power Generation,” May 17, 1999.
7. Gilchrist, B.E. and R. Heelis, “Multiple tethered satellites for ionospheric studies (MTSIS),” Tether Technology Interchange Meeting, Huntsville, AL, Sept. 9-10, 1997.
6. Invited Special Speaker, “Space Tethers -Building Large Structures in Space,” American Society of Civil Enginers, Michigan Section 1996 Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, September 20, 1996.
5. Gilchrist, B. E., W. J. Raitt, M. Dobrowolny, S. D. Williams, V. M. Aguero, R. Indiresan, N. R. Voronka, D. C. Thompson, S. G. Bilén and D. P. Morris, Space Tethers as Distributed Ionospheric Probes: TSS-1R Mission, presented at XXVth URSI General Assembly, Lille, France, 28 August -5 September 1996.
4. Invited Colloquium Speaker, “Space Tethers -Something New Up There!,” Danish Space Research Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 26, 1996.
3. Forum Keynote Speaker on “Space Tethers -How They Work, What They Can Do, and Lessons Learned from the Tethered Satellite System Shuttle Missions,” Cascades Amateur Radio Society 2nd Annual Radio Conference, Jackson, MI., August 11, 1996.
2. Keynote Speaker on “Space Tethers for Space Physics Applications,” ESA Round Table on Space Tethers, September, 1994, Noordweck, The Netherlands.
1. Gilchrist, B. E., P. M. Banks, T. Neubert, V. M. Aguero, S. G. Bilén, S. D. Williams, I. Linscott, D. C. Thompson and W. J. Raitt, Measurements of TSS-1 voltage-current characteristics using the SETS experiment, EOS Trans., AGU, 73, 1992.
Conferences or Symposium with Published Proceedings
81. Liu, T., Wagner, G., Gallimore, A., Gilchrist, B., and Peterson, P., “Specific Charge Control for Micro/Nano- Particle Electrostatic Propulsion,” AIAA-2009-5090, 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 3-5 August 2009.
80. Drenkow, B., Liu, T., Bell, J., Huang, M., Robinson, J., Moore, S., Singh, V., Trabert, R., Gilchrist, B., and Gallimore, A., “Developing a Reduced Gravity Testbed for the Nanoparticle Field Extraction Thruster,” AIAA2009- 5194, 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 3-5 August 2009.
79. Brakora, J., B. Gilchrist, J. Holloway, N. Renno, S. Skerlos, T. Teorey, P. Washabaugh, D. Weinert, Integrating Real-World Experience into a College Curriculum using a Multidisciplinary Design Minor, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, AC 2009-2282, Austin, TX, June 14-17, 2009.
78. Massey, Dean, L. Musinski, T. Liu, A. Gallimore, and B. Gilchrist, The Nanoparticle Field Extraction Thruster: nanoFET, JANNAF Interagency Propulsion Committee Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Dec. 8-12, 2008.
77. Musinski, L., Liu, T., Eu, I., Gilchrist, B., Gallimore, A., Mirecki-Millunchick, J., Morris, D., “Nanoparticle Field Extraction Thruster (nanoFET): Introduction to, Analysis of, and Experimental Results from the “Noliquid” Configuration,” AIAA-2008-5097, 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Hartford, CT, 21-23 July 2008.
76. Liu, T., Drenkow, B., Musinski, L., Gallimore, A., Gilchrist, B., Mirecki-Millunchick, J., Morris, D., Doan, A., Munski, J., and Muldoon, A., “Developmental Progress of the Nanoparticle Field Extraction Thruster,” AIAA- 2008-5096, 44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Hartford, CT, 21-23 July 2008.
75. T. Liu, L. Musinski, M. Keidar, A. Gallimore, and B. Gilchrist, Physical Models and Performance Implications for the Nanoparticle Field Extraction Thruster, IEPC-2007-186, 30th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Florence, Italy, Sept 17-20, 2007.
74. Musinski, L., T. Liu, B. Gilchrist, A. Gallimore, and M. Keidar, Nanoparticle Field Extraction Thruster (nanoFET): Design and Results of the Microparticle Emitter Prototype, IEPC-2007-80, 30th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Florence, Italy, Sept 17-20, 2007.
73. Deline, C., B. Gilchrist, Jared Squire, J. Jones, G. Chavers, C. Dobson, and R. Bengtson, Measurement of Magnetic Detachment Effects in a Magnetic Nozzle, IEPC-2007-32, 30th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Florence, Italy, Sept 17-20, 2007.
72. Deline, C., B. Gilchrist, R. Bengtson, J. Jones, G. Chavers and C. Dobson, Simulation and Measurement of High-Beta Plasma in a Magnetic Nozzle, AIAA-2007-5259, 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, OH, July 8-11, 2007.
71. Liu, T., D. Morris and J. Zagel, C. Cionca, Y. Li, C. Smith, A. Riposan, A. Gallimore, B. Gilchrist, and R. Clarke, Use of Boron Nitride for Field Effect Electron Emission, AIAA-2007-5253, 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, OH, July 8-11, 2007.
70. Musinski, L., T. Liu, B. Gilchrist, A. Gallimore, and M. Keidar, Experimental Results and Modeling Advances in the Study of the Nanoparticle Field Extraction Thruster, AIAA-2007-5254, 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, OH, July 8-11, 2007.
69. Thomas M. Liu, Louis D. Musinski, Prashant R. Patel, Alec D. Gallimore, Brian E. Gilchrist, Michael Keidar, Nanoparticle electric propulsion for space exploration, STAIF-2007, Albuquerque, AIP Conf Proceedings, V. 880, pp. 787-794, January 30, 2007
68. (BEST PAPER PIC-1 AWARD) Liu, T., C. Deline, R. Ramos, S. Sandoval, A. Smetana, B. Gilchrist, P. Washabaugh, N. Renno, The Student Space Systems Fabrication Laboratory: An approach to space systems engineering education, ASEE Annual Conf. & Exposition, ASEE 2006-1917, Chicago, IL, June 18-21, 2006.
67. Musinski, L., T. Liu, B. Gilchrist, A. Gallimore, M. Keidar, Scalable flat-panel Nano-particle MEMS/NEMS thruster, 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2005-176, Princeton University, Oct. 31 – Nov. 4, 2005.
66. Choinière É. and B. Gilchrist, “Investigation of ionospheric plasma flow effects on current collection to Parallel Wires Using Self-Consistent Steady-State Kinetic Simulations, 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA-2005-4293 Tucson, AZ, July 10-13, 2005.
65. Fuhrhop, K. R. and B. E. Gilchrist, “Electrodynamic tether system analysis comparing various mission scenarios, 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA-2005-4435 Tucson, AZ, July 10-13, 2005.
64. Morris, D. P., B. E. Gilchrist, A. D. Gallimore, “Application of dual grids to cold cathode/field effect electron emission,” 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA-2005-3669 Tucson, AZ, July 10-13, 2005.
63. Goldberg, Hannah R., Pedro A. Encarnacion, Dave P. Morris, Brian E. Gilchrist, and Roy Clark, “Development of a MEMS-based Gate to Enhance Cold-Cathode Electron Field Emission for Space Applications,” 17th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, MIT, July 2004.
62. Davis, C. and B. Gilchrist, “Density Measurements During Ion Cyclotron Heating in VASIMR,” 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA-2004-3497 Ft. Lauderdale, July 1114, 2004.
61. Morris, D. and B. Gilchrist, “Electron Emission for Electric Propulsion: Reducing Power by Mitigating Space Charge Limits,” 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA-2004-3497 Ft. Lauderdale, July 11-14, 2004.
60. Goldberg, H. P. Encarnación, D. Morris, B. Gilchrist, and R. Clarke, “Cold-Cathode Electron Field Emission of Boron Nitride Thin Film with a MEMS-based Gate for Space Applications,” 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA-2004-3499 Ft. Lauderdale, July 11-14, 2004.
59. Choiniére, E. and B. Gilchrist, “Poisson-Vlasov Modeling of Parallel Cylinders in Ionospheric Plasmas,” 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA-2004-3496 Ft. Lauderdale, July 1114, 2004.
58. Vaughn, J., L. Curtis, B. Gilchrist, S. Bilén, E. Lorenzini, “Review of the ProSEDS Electrodynamic Tether Mission Development,” 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA-20043501 Ft. Lauderdale, July 11-14, 2004.
57. Fuhrhop, K., Morris, D., and Gilchrist, B., “Electron Emission for Electrodynamic Tether Systems in Space” 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA-2004-3495 Ft. Lauderdale, July 11-14, 2004.
56. Deline, Christopher, Hannah Goldberg, Dave Morris, Rafael Ramos, “Field Emission Cathodes used in the FEGI get away special shuttle mission” 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA-2004-3498 Ft. Lauderdale, July 11-14, 2004.
55. Fuhrhop, K., B. West, and E. Choiniere, S. Bilén, B. Gilchrist, “Current Collection to Electrodynamic-Tether Systems in Space” 2nd International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), AIAA-2004-5670, Providence, RI, Aug 16-19, 2004.
54. Fuhrhop, K., B.E. Gilchrist, S.G. Bilén , and N.R. Voronka, “System Analysis of the Expected Electrodynamic Tether Performance for the ProSEDS Mission,” AIAA-2003-5096, 39th AIAA/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Huntsville, AL, 20-23 July 2003.
53. Morris, D. and B. Gilchrist, Electrton field emission and the space charge limit: Techniques and tradeoffs, 39th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Prop. Conf., AIAA 2003-4972, Huntsville, AL, July 20-23, 2003.
52. Choiniére, E., S. Bilén, K. Fuhrhop, and B. Gilchrist, Measurement of Cross-Section Geometry Effects on Electron Collection to Long Probes in Mesosonic Flowing Plasmas, 39th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Prop. Conf., AIAA 2003-4950, Huntsville, AL, July 20-23, 2003.
51. Choiniére, E. and B. Gilchrist, Modeling Long Probes in Flowing Plasmas using KiPS-2D, a Novel Steady- State Vlasov Solver, 39th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Prop. Conf., AIAA 2003-5098, Huntsville, AL, July 20-23, 2003.
50. Gilchrist, B., B. Lim, N. Meckel, R. Masse, S. Williams, The Use of electrodynamic tethers for orbit maintenance and deorbit of large spacecraft: A trade study of the NASA GLAST mission, 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Prop. Conf., AIAA 2002-4044, Indianapolis, IN, July 7-10, 2002.
49. Choiniére, E. and B. Gilchrist, Electron collection to arbitrarily shaped electrodynamic tethers in flowing plasmas: A kinetic model validation for circular cross-sections, 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Prop. Conf., AIAA 2002-4051, Indianapolis, IN, July 7-10, 2002.
48 Gilchrist, B., S. Bilén, E. Choiniére, A. Gallimore, and D. Herman, Laboratory Experiments of Current Collection to Long Conductors with Geometries Relevant to Bare Electrodynamic Tethers, STAIF-2002, Albuquerque, Feb. 3-6, 2002.
47. E. Choiniére, B. Gilchrist, and S. Bilén, Kinetic modeling of the electron current collection to a moving bare electrodynamic tether, STAIF-2002, Albuquerque, Feb. 3-6, 2002.
46. Morris, D., B. E. Gilchrist, and A. D. Gallimore, Integration of field emitter arrays into spacecraft systems, STAIF-2002, Albuquerque, Feb. 3-6, 2002.
45. Gilchrist, B. E., S. G. Bilen, E. Choiniére, A. Gallimore, D. Herman, Current collection to long conductors with wide geometries for bare electrodynamic tether applications: a laboratory update, 40th AIAA Aerospace Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA-2002-1123, 2002.
44. Gilchrist, B. E., J. Balance, L. Curtis, L. Johnson, J. Vaughn, K. Welzyn, Propulsive Small Expandable Deployer System (ProSEDS): Preparing for Flight, 27th Intl. Electric Propulsion Conf., IEPC-01-240, Pasadena, October 14-19, 2001.
43. Morris, D., B. Gilchrist, A. Gallimore, Development of Field Emitter Technology for ED Tether Propulsion, 27th Intl. Electric Propulsion Conf., IEPC-01-240, Pasadena, October 14-19, 2001.
42. Choiniére, E., B. Gilchrist, Kinetic modeling and measurement of the radio-frequency enhancement of electron current collection to a space electrodynamic tether, 27th Intl. Electric Propulsion Conf., IEPC-01-240, Pasadena, October 14-19, 2001.
41. Gilchrist, B., S. Bilén, E. Choiniére, A. Gallimore, D. Herman, Ground simulations of electron current to wide probes for electrodynamic tethers, 37th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Prop. Conf., AIAA 2001-3337, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11, 2001.
40. E. Choiniére, B. Gilchrist, S. Bilén, Enhancement of electrodynamic tether electron current collection using radio frequency power: numerical modeling and measurements, 37th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Prop. Conf., AIAA 2001-3339, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11, 2001.
39. Gilchrist, B.E., S. G. Bilén, and A. D. Gallimore, Current collection to long, thin probes in a dense high-speed flowing plasma, STAIF-2001, Albuquerque, Feb. 11-15, 2001.
38. Bilén, S. G. and B. E. Gilchrist, Electrodynamic-tether time-domain reflectometer for analyzing tether faults and degradation, STAIF-2001, Albuquerque, Feb. 11-15, 2001.
37. E. Choiniére, B. Gilchrist, and S. Bilén, Enhancement of electrodynamic tether electron current collection using radio frequency power, STAIF-2001, Albuquerque, Feb. 11-15, 2001.
36. Morris, D., B. Gilchrist, and A. Gallimore, The effect of plasma density and emitter geometry on space charge limits for field emitter array electron charge emission into a space plasma, STAIF-2001, Albuquerque, Feb. 1114, 2001.
35. Gilchrist, B., S. Bilén, and A. Gallimore, Analysis of Chamber Simulations of Long Probes in High-Speed, Dense Plasmas, 39th AIAA Aerospace Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA-2001-1142, 2001.
34. West, B. and B. Gilchrist, Life extension and orbit maneuvering strategies for small satellites in low Earth orbit using electrodynamic tethers, 39th AIAA Aerospace Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA-2001-1139, 2001.
33. Van Noord, J. L., B. West, and B. Gilchrist, Electrodynamic tape tether Performance with varying tether widths at low Earth altitudes, 39th AIAA Aerospace Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA-2001-1141, 2001.
32. Gilchrist, B., S. Bilén, T. Patrick, J. Van Noord, Bare electrodynamic tether ground simulations in a dense, high-speed plasma flow, 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Prop. Conf., AIAA 2000-3869, Huntsville, AL, July 16-20, 2000.
31. Bilén, S., E. Choiniere, B. Gilchrist, Applications of electrodynamic tethers utilizing their transmission-line characteristics, 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Prop. Conf., AIAA 2000-3868, Huntsville, AL, July 16-20, 2000.
30. Morris, D., B. Gilchrist, A. Gallimore, K. Jensen, Developing field emitter array cathode systems for electrodynamic tether propulsion, 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Prop. Conf., AIAA 2000-3867, Huntsville, AL, July 16-20, 2000.
29. Gilchrist, B. E.,, K. L. Jensen, G. Aston and K. Hwang, Plasma Contactors for the STEP-AIRSEDS Mission: Systems and Performance, AIAA Aerospace Conference-2000, 2000.
28. Gilchrist, B. E., L. Johnson, S. Bilén, E. Lorenzini, N. Voronka, System Considerations of Electrodynamic- Tether Propulsion Technology and Future Plans, 26th Int. Elec. Prop. Conf, Kitakyushu City,Japan, IEPC 99220, Oct.18-21, 1999.
27. Gilchrist, B., S. Bilén, L. Johnson, Space Electrodynamic Tethers Propulsion Technology: System Considerations and Future Plans, 35th AIAA/ASMA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Los Angeles, CA, June 21-24, 1999.
26. Davis, C., B. Gilchrist, A. Gallimore, Density and Spectral Measurements using a 34 GHz Interferometry System, 35th AIAA/ASMA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Los Angeles, CA, June 21-24, 1999.
25. Sven G. Bilen, Luis P. Bernal, Brian E. Gilchrist, and Alec D. Gallimore, “The Student Space-Systems Fabrication Laboratory: Enhancing Engineering Education Through Student-Run, Real-World Projects,” ASEE NCS1999, PSU, Erie, PA, 9-10 April 1999.
24. Gilchrist, B. E., S. G. Bilén, W. J. Burke, L. Gentile and V. M. Aguero, Large Current Response Using a Neutral Gas Discharge Electron Emission Source during the TSS-1R Mission: Tether Break Results, paper presented at 6th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA, 1998.
23. Gilchrist, B. E., A. Gallimore and J. Laframboise, Laboratory Experiments to Investigate the Effects of High Speed Bulk Plasma Drift on Current Collection Physics in a Space Magnetoplasma: A Feasibility Assessment, paper presented at 6th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA, 1998.
22. Gilchrist, B. E. and L. Johnson, Electrodynamic Tethers as Propulsion Systems: System Considerations and Future Plans, paper presented at 6th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA, 1998.
21. Davis, C. N., B. E. Gilchrist, S. G. Ohler, D. Carlson and A. Gallimore, Electromagnetic Wave Scattering from EP Thruster Plasma Plumes, paper presented at 6th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA, 1998.
20. Johnson, L., B. Gilchrist, R. Estes, E. Lorenzini and J. Ballance, Propulsive small expendable deployer system (ProSEDS) space experiment, paper presented at 34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conf., Cleveland, OH, AIAA 98-4035, 1998.
19. Johnson, L., B. Gilchrist, R. Estes, E. Lorenzini, M. Martinez-Sanchez and J. Sanmartin, Electrodynamic tether propulsion for spacecraft and upper stages, paper presented at 1998 JANNAF Propulsion Meeting, Cleveland, OH, 1998.
18. Johnson, L. and J. Ballance, Propulsive small expendable deployer system (ProSEDS) space demonstration, Tether Technology Interchange Meeting, Huntsville, Sept. 9-10, 1997.
17. Gilchrist, B.E. and R. Heelis, “Multiple tethered satellites for ionospheric studies (MTSIS),” Tether Technology Interchange Meeting, Huntsville, AL, Sept. 9-10, 1997.
16. Johnson, L., J. Caroll, R. Estes, B. Gilchrist, E. Lorenzini, M. Martinez-Sanchez, J. Sanmartin and E. Vas, Electrodynamic tethers for reboost of the International Space Station and spacecraft propulsion, paper presented at AIAA Space Programs and Technology Conference, Huntsville, AL, AIAA 96-4250, 1996.
15. Ohler, S., B. Gilchrist, A. Gallimore, A. Ruffin, C. Davis, RF Signal Impact Study of an SPT, paper presented 32nd AIAA/ASMA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, July1-3, 1996.
14. Ohler, S., B. Gilchrist and A. Gallimore, Microwave plume measurements of an SPT-100 using Xenon and a laboratory model SPT using Krypton, paper presented at 31st AIAA/ASMA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, CA, 1995.
13. Gilchrist, B. E., C. Bonifazi, D. C. Thompson, V. M. Aguero, P. M. Banks, W. J. Raitt, S. D. Williams, S. G. Bilén, N. R. Voronka and A. C. Fraser-Smith, TSS-1 SETS and CORE experiment results and plans for reflight, paper presented at Fourth International Conference on Tethers in Space, Washington, D.C., 1995.
12. B. E. Gilchrist, R. Heelis, W.J. Raitt, C. Rupp, H.G. James, C. Bonifazi, K.-I. Oyama, G. Wood, L.M. Brace, and G.R. Carignan, “Space tethers for ionospheric-thermospheric-mesospheric science -Report on the 1994 international summer workshop, Ann Arbor, MI,” Fourth International Conference on Tethers in Space Washington, D.C. (1995).
11. B. E. Gilchrist, P. L. Niles, J. Dodds, B. C. Kennedy, and C. C. Rupp, “AIRSATT -Atmospheric/Ionospheric Research Satellite using Advanced Tether Technology,” Fourth International Conference on Tethers in Space, Washington, D.C. (1995).
10. B. E. Gilchrist, C. Bonifazi, D.C. Thompson, V.M. Aguero, P.M. Banks, W.J. Raitt, S.D. Williams, S.G. Bilén, N.R. Voronka, and A.C. Fraser-Smith, “TSS-1 SETS and CORE experiment results and plans for reflight,” Fourth International Conference on Tethers in Space, Washington, D.C. (1995).
9. S. Bilén, B. E. Gilchrist, E. Melchioni, M. Dobrowolny, and C. Bonifazi, “Transient response of the TSS system in the ionosphere,” Fourth International Conference on Tethers in Space, Washington, D.C. (1995).
8. L. A. Habash, T. Neubert, and B. E. Gilchrist, “The use of electron beam experiments in orbiting tethered platforms for remote sensing of E|| in the auroral acceleration region: The Active Magnetospheric Particle Acceleration Satellite (AMPAS),” Fourth International Conference on Tethers in Space, Washington, D.C. (1995).
7. S. D. Williams, B. E. Gilchrist, D. C. Thompson, V. M. Aguero, P. M Banks, W. J. Raitt, and N. R. Voronka, “Induced ionospheric double probe tether potential measurements and models for TSS-1 electrodynamics,” Fourth International Conference on Tethers in Space, Washington, D.C. (1995).
6. P. L. Niles, B. E. Gilchrist, and J. N. Estes, “Dual tethered satellite systems for space physics research,” Fourth International Conference on Tethers in Space ,Washington, D.C. (1995).
5. Ohler, S., B. Gilchrist and A. Gallimore, Non-intrusive plasma diagnostics for electric propulsion research, paper presented at 30th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 1994.
4. B. E. Gilchrist and J. F. Vesecky, “AIRSATT -Atmospheric/Ionospheric Research Satellite using Advanced Tether Technology,” 10th Annual NASA/USRA Advanced Space Design Program, Pasadena, TX (1994).
3. Gilchrist, B.E., P.M. Banks, T. Neubert, P.R. Williamson, N.B. Myers, W. J. Raitt, and S. Sasaki, Effects of neutral gas release on current collection during the CHARGE-2 rocket experiment, Workshop on Current Collection from Space Plasmas, University of Alabama, Huntsville, 1989.
2. Gilchrist, B. E., Conceptual design for a microwave active phased array SAR, EASCON, 1986.
1. Gilchrist, B.E. and R. Fildes, The use of sampling techniques for miniaturized synthesizer applications, MTT International Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, 1982.
Other Conferences or Presentations
74. Gilchrist, B., É. Choinière, C. Deline, R. Hoyt, N. Voronka, S. Bilén, High voltage plasma sheaths around long conductive structures in flowing plasmas: simulations and experiments, 32nd IEEE International Conf. Plasma Science, Monterey, CA, June 18-23, 2005.
73. Choiniére, Eric and B. E. Gilchrist, Steady-state, Self-Consistent Kinetic Modeling of High-Voltage 2-D Sheaths in Flowing Plasmas Applied to Bare Tethers for Radiation Belt Remediation, 3rd MIT Conf. Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, MA, June 14-17, 2005.
72. Choiniére, Eric and B. E. Gilchrist, A Consistent Kinetic Plasma Solver for the Computational Modeling of 2D Conductive Structures in Flowing Ionospheric Plasmas, 2003 APS/URSI Conference, Columbus, Ohio June 24, 2003.
71. Gilchrist, B. E., Electrodynamic tether propulsion technology, Institute for Space and Aeronautical Science (ISAS), Tokyo, Japan, November 30, 2001.
70. Jensen, K., B. Gilchrist, C. Marreese, Field emitter array cathodes as an enabling technology for space-based applications, presentation at the National Reconnaissance Office, Chantilly, VA, March 5, 2001.
69. Gilchrist, B. E., S. G. Bilén, Simulated Bare Electrodynamic Tethers in a Dense, Flowing, High-Speed Plasma, 11th Adv. Propulsion Workshop, JPL, CA, May, 2000.
68. Raitt, W. J., D. Thompson, W. Burke, L. Gentile, B. Gilchrist, Electron beam instability studies in the laboratory and in space, IPELS, 1999.
67. Brian Gilchrist, Sven Bilen, Nestor Voronka, Dave Morris, Les Johnson, W. J. Raitt, Electrodynamic Tethers Applied to Propulsion Applications: System Considerations and Future Activities, URSI International Conference, Toronto, 1999.
66. Jensen, K.L., B. E. Gilchrist, J. Severns, A.D. Gallimore, Field Emitter Array Cathodes (FEACs) For Space Based Applications, 26th Int. Conf. Plasma Science, Sess. 6D, Montery, CA, June 20-24, 1999.
65. Gilchrist, B. E., A.D. Gallimore, K.L. Jensen, J. Severns, Field Emitter Array Cathodes (FEACs) For Space Applications, 10th Adv. Propulsion Workshp, Huntsville, Al, April, 1999.
64. Gilchrist, B., S. Bilén, N. Voronka, D. Morris, L. Johnson, W. J. Raitt, Electrodynamic Tethers Applied to Propulsion Applications: System Considerations and Future Activities, paper presented at XXVIth URSI General Assembly, Toronto, 1999.
63. Khazanov, G., M. Liehmohn, J. Kozyra, B. Gilchrist, Interhemispheric Transport of Relativistic Electron Beams, paper presented at AGU Spring Meeting, Boston, 1999.
62. Andrew Santangelo, Les Johnson, Brian Gilchrist, and John Hoffman., Advancing Electrodynamic Tethers to Commercially Viable Systems: STEP-AIRSEDS, 10th Advanced Space Propulsion Workshop, Huntsville, April 6-8, 1999.
61. Brian Gilchrist, Alec Gallimore, Kevin L. Jensen, Jim Severns, Field Emitter Array Cathodes (FEACs) for Space Applications, 10th Advanced Space Propulsion Workshop, Huntsville, April 6-8, 1999.
60. Gilchrist, B. E. and G. Hajj, Multipont Space-Based GPS Measurements of Ionospheric Structures, paper presented at URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, 1999.
59. Bilén, S. G. and B. E. Gilchrist, Circuit Modeling of Electrodynamic-Tether Systems, paper presented at URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, 1999.
58. Stone. N. H. And B. E. Gilchrist, “The TSS-1R electrodynamic tether experiment: scientific and technological results,” COSPAR, Japan, July 12-18, 1998.
57. Raitt, W.J., D.C. Thompson, B.E. Gilchrist, V. M. Aguero, “Electrical charging of space platforms at low earth orbit altitudes,” COSPAR, Japan, July 12-18, 1998.
56. Gilchrist, B. E., “Space flight demonstration of electrodynamic tether propulsion: the Propulsive Small Expendable Deployer System (ProSEDS) Mission, 9th Advanced Space Propulsion Workshop, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, March 11-13, 1998.
55. Gilchrist, B.E., J. Laframboise, A. Gallimore, “Laboratory experiments to investigate the effects of high speed bulk plasma drift on current collection physics in a space magnetoplasma: a feasibility assessment,” URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 5-9, 1998.
54. Morris, D. and B. E. Gilchrist, “Enhancing multipoint in-situ space plasma measurements through simultaneous radiowave measurements of total electron content,” URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, Jan. 5-9, 1998.
53. Gilchrist, B.E., N. Stone, W.J. Raitt, C. Bonifzai, M. Dobrowolny, J. Laframboise, A. Gallimore, “Enhanced current collection characteristics of the Tethered Satellite System missions: prospects for laboratory simulation,” IPELS, Mauii, HI, June, 1997.
52. Gilchrist, B. E., J. Vaughn, C. Bonifazi, S. G. Bilen, W. J. Raitt, W. J. Burke and V. M. Aguero, TSS-1R Large Current Response Using a Neutral Gas Discharge Electron Emission Source: Tether Break Results, paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1996.
51. Indiresan, R. S., B. E. Gilchrist, D. C. Thompson, J. P. Lebreton and E. P. Szuszczewicz, Simultaneous, Multipoint, in Situ Measurements of Ionospheric Structures: Preliminary Observations From the TSS 1R Mission, paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1996.
50. Krause, L. H., B. E. Gilchrist, T. Neubert and G. Ginet, Dynamics of Relativistic Electron Beam Propagation in the Terrestrial Space Environment, paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1996.
49. Stone, N. H., C. Bonifazi, B. E. Gilchrist, D. A. Hardy and F. Mariani, The Tether Break Event: An Electrodynamic Assessment, paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1996.
48. Aguero, V. M., B. E. Gilchrist, L. Krause, S. D. Williams, D. C. Thompson, W. J. Raitt and P. M. Banks, Measurement of Spacecraft Charging by a Remote Tethered Plasma Reference, paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1996.
47. Thompson, D. C., W. J. Raitt, B. E. Gilchrist, C. Bonifazi, J. P. Lebreton, W. Burke and G. Vannaroni, Current Versus Voltage Measurements With the NASA/ASI Tethered Satellite, paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1996.
46. Raitt, W. J., Y. H. Zhang, D. C. Thompson, B. E. Gilchrist, J. P. Lebreton, V. Viel and E. P. Szuszcewicz, Thermal Plasma Measurements Near the Payload Bay for the TSS-1R Space Shuttle Flight, paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1996.
45. Williams, S. D., V. M. Aguero, D. C. Thompson, W. J. Raitt, B. E. Gilchrist, P. M. Banks, N. Voronka, F. Mariani, M. Candidi and S. Orsini, Tether Potential Measurements and Models for TSS Electrodynamics, paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1996.
44. Burke, W. J., D. A. Hardy, D. G. Olson, L. C. Gentile, C. Y. Huang, W. J. Raitt, D. C. Thompson, B. E. Gilchrist and C. Bonifazi, Shuttle Environment During the Prolonged FPEG Beam Emissions of TSS 1R, paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1996.
43. Lebreton, J. P., G. Vannaroni, F. D. Venuto, J. D. Winningham, C. Gurgiolo, M. Dobrowolny, C. Bonifazi, B. Gilchrist, D. Hardy and S. Couturier, TSS-1R Satellite Potential Measurements During the Current Flow Events, paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1996.
42. Olson, D. G., W. J. Burke, D. A. Hardy, L. C. Gentile, C. Y. Huang, C. Bonifazi and B. E. Gilchrist, Shuttle Environment During the Prolonged EGA Beam Emissions of TSS 1R, paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 1996.
41. Thompson, D. C., W. J. Raitt, B. E. Gilchrist, C. Bonifazi, V. M. Aguero and W. J. Burke, Current-Voltage Characteristic of the NASA/ASI Tethered Satellite System, paper presented at XXVth URSI General Assembly, Lille, France, 28 August -5 September 1996.
40. Thompson, D. C., W. J. Raitt, B. E. Gilchrist, C. Bonifazi, V. M. Aguero and W. J. Burke, Current-Voltage Characteristic of the NASA/ASI Tethered Satellite, paper presented at 31st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 14-21 July 1996.
39. Bilén, S. and B. E. Gilchrist, Engineering and scientific applications of electrodynamic tether transmission lines in space plasmas, paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), Boston, MA, June 3-5,1996.
38. Ohler, S., B. Gilchrist and A. Gallimore, Ion Acoustic Wave Characterization in a Moving Plasma to Find Bulk Plasma Flow Velocity, paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), Boston, MA, June 3-5,1996.
37. Gilchrist, B.E., D. Thompson, W. J. Raitt, S. Bilen, R. Indiresan, S. Williams, “Electrodynamic current-voltage response of the TSS-1R system,” AGU, Balitmore, EOS Trans, May 20-24, 1996.
36. Gilchrist, B. E., and R. A. Heelis, “Multi-point measurements in space plasmas using tethered vehicles,” AGU Chapman Conference, Santa Fe, NM (1995).
35. Gilchrist, B. E., S.D. Williams, N. Voronka, W.J. Raitt, D.C. Thompson, S. Bilén, and V. Aguero, “Space tethers for double probe potential measurements in the ionosphere and magnetosphere,” AGU Chapman Conference, Santa Fe, NM (1995).
34. Bilén, S. G., B. E. Gilchrist, V. M. Aguero, E. Melchioni and M. Dobrowolny, Ionospheric effects on TSS-1 switching transients, paper presented at URSI Conference, Boulder, CO, 1994.
33. Neubert, T., E. Ungstrup and B. E. Gilchrist, AMPAS -A new active experiments mission, presented at COSPAR, 1994.
32. Aguero, V., B. E. Gilchrist, P. M. Banks, T. Neubert, D. C. Thompson, W. J. Raitt, S. D. Williams, and C. Bonifazi, Spacecraft potential measurements using the tethered satellite system as a remote plasma reference probe, EOS Trans, 74, 1993.
31. Gilchrist, B. E., V. M. Aguero, P. M. Banks, T. Neubert, C. Bonifazi, D. C. Thompson, W. J. Raitt and S. D. Williams, Observations of orbiter thruster effect on the current-voltage characteristics of the TSS-1 electrodynamic tether system, EOS Trans, 74, 1993.
30. Gilchrist, B. E., P. L. Niles, T. H. V. Pelt, P. Doud and A. Santangelo, Tethered atmospheric/ionospheric research satellite (AIRSAT), paper presented at AIAA Space Programs and Technologies Conference and Exhibit, Hunstville, AL, 1993.
29. Gilchrist, B. E., P. M. Banks, T. Neubert, H. Matsumoto, H. Usui, D. A. Hardy, M. R. Oberhardt, W. J. Raitt, D. C. Thompson, S. D. Williams, V. A. Aguero and I. L. Linscott, Electrodynamic Results From the TSS-1 Tether Mission: The SETS and SPREE Experiments, paper presented at XXIVth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Kyoto, Japan, 1993.
28. Bonifazi, C., P. Banks, B. E. Gilchrist, M. R. Oberhardt, D. A. Hardy, D. Winningham, G. Gurgiolo and N. Stone, Mechanical to electrical energy conversion by the Tethered Satellite System (TSS), paper presented at IAGA Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1993.
27. Raitt, W. J., D. C. Thompson, S. Sasaki, K.-I. Oyama, N. Kawashima, N. B. Myers, J. Ernstmeyer, B. E. Gilchrist, T. Neubert and P. R. Williamson, The CHARGE sounding rocket program to study the static and dynamic effects of electron beam emission at low earth orbit altitudes, paper presented at IAGA meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1993.
26. Gilchrist, B., A. Santangelo, P. Niles and P. Doud, Tethered Atmospheric/Ionospheric Research Satellite (AIRSAT), paper presented at 9th Annual NASA/USRA Advanced Space Design Program, Houston, TX, 1993.
25. Bilén, S. G., B. E. Gilchrist, V. M. Aguero, D. S. Lauben, S. D. Williams and D. C. Thompson, Analysis of TSS-1 electrodynamic tether switching transients measured with SETS, paper presented at National Radio Science Meeting (URSI), Boulder, CO, 1993.
24. Bonifazi, C., P. Banks, B. Gilchrist, D. Thompson, M. R. Oberhardt, D. A. Hardy, D. Winningham, C. Gurgiolo and N. Stone, TSS CORE Equipment: Electron Current Circulation through the TSS tether orbiting in the Earth’s ionosphere, paper presented at EGS-XVIII GENERAL ASSEMBLY, WIESBADEN, 1993.
23. Gilchrist, B. E., N. Stone and M. Dobrowolny, The TSS-1 electrodynamic tether mission: Early results and future opportunities, paper presented at National Radio Science Meeting (URSI), Boulder, CO, 1993.
22. Linscott, I. R., B. E. Gilchrist and T. Neubert, Aperture synthesis with the Tethered Satellite System, paper presented at National Radio Science Conference, Boulder, CO, 1993.
21. Thompson, D. C., W. J. Raitt, S. D. Williams, V. M. Aguero, B. E. Gilchrist and P. M. Banks, TSS-1: Orbiter Current and Voltage Experiments, paper presented at AIAA 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 1993.
20. Gilchrist, B. E., V. M. Aguero, P. M. Banks, T. Neubert, C. Bonifazi, D. C. Thompson, W. J. Raitt and S. D. Williams, Modification of the TSS-1 electrodynamic tether current-voltage characteristics due to orbiter thruster firings, EOS Trans, 74, 1993.
19. Gilchrist, B. E., V. M. Aguero, P. M. Banks, T. Neubert, C. Bonifazi, D. C. Thompson, W. J. Raitt and S. D. Williams, Observations of orbiter thruster effect on the current-voltage characteristics of the TSS-1 electrodynamic tether system, EOS Trans, 74, 1993.
18. Katz, I., M. Mandell, E. Melchioni, M. Oberhardt, D. Thompson, T. Neubert and B. Gilchrist, Observations of ionospheric heating in the TSS-1 subsatellite presheath, EOS Trans, 74, 1993.
17. Neubert, T., B. Gilchrist, S. J. Wilderman, H. J. Wang and L. Habash, The interaction of an MeV-energy electron beam with the earth’s atmosphere, EOS Trans, 74, 1993.
16. Gilchrist, B. E., T. Neubert, N. B. Myers, J. Ernstmeyer, W. J. Raitt and A. C. Fraser-Smith, Spacecraft potential control by neutral gas release: Results from the CHARGE-2B electron beam rocket experiment, EOS Trans., AGU, 73, 1992.
15. Aguero, V. M., P. M. Banks, B. E. Gilchrist, T. Neubert, W. J. Raitt and D. C. Thompson, Observations of Shuttle Vehicle Charging in the Ionosphere Using the TSS-1 SETS Experiment, EOS Trans., AGU, 73, 1992.
14. Bonifazi, C., P. Banks, B. Gilchrist, N. Stone, D. Winningham, C. Gurgiolo, M. Oberhardt and D. Hardy, Low voltage operation of TSS-1 core equipment, EOS Trans., AGU, 73, 1992.
13. Bonifazi, C., G. Manarini, J. Sabbagh, F. Svelto, D. C. Thompson, B. E. Gilchrist, P. M. Banks and M. Dobrowolny, Tethered Satellite System (TSS): Preliminary results on the Active Experiment Core Equipment, paper presented at 6 degree Convegno Nazionale GIFCO, Palermo, 1992.
12. Raitt, W. J., B. White, J. Ernstmeyer, N. Myers, S. Sasaki, Oyama and B. E. Gilchrist, CHARGE-2B: A sounding rocket payload to studied the emission of waves by a medium power, modulated electron beam, EOS Trans., AGU, 73, 1992.
11. Thompson, D. C., W. J. Raitt, M. R. Oberhardt, D. A. Hardy, V. M. Aguero, I. R. Linscott, T. Neubert, B. E. Gilchrist and P. M. Banks, Global survey of TSS-1 current collection as measured by the SETS experiment, EOS Trans., AGU, 73, 1992.
10. Banks, P., A. Fraser-Smith, B. Gilchrist, Ionospheric modification using relativistic electron beams, AGARD conference on Ionospheric Modification and its Potential to Enhance or Degrade the Performance of Military Systems, Bergen, Norway, 1990.
9. Raitt, W. J., N. Myers, J. Roberts, D. Thompson, B. Gilchrist, S. Sasaki, Recent observations of high voltage spacecraft-environment interaction at LEO altitudes using sounding rockets, AIAA 28th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, 1990.
8. Neubert, T., P. Banks, B. Gilchrist, A. Fraser-Smith, P. R. Williamson, W. J. Raitt, N. Myers, S. Sasaki, Modification of spacecraft charging and the near-plasma environment caused by the interaction of an artificial electron beam with the Earth’s upper atmosphere, Conference on Spacecraft Charging, Monterey, CA, 1989.
7. Gilchrist, B.E., P.M. Banks, T. Neubert, P.R. Williamson, R.I. Bush, N.B. Myers, W.J. Raitt, and S. Sasaki, Neutral gas emissions during an electron beam mother-daughter sounding rocket experiment, URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Jose, CA, June 26-30, 1989.
6. Gilchrist, B.E., P.M. Banks, T. Neubert, P.R. Williamson, R.I. Bush, N.B. Myers, W.J. Raitt, and S. Sasaki, Electron beam and neutral gas emissions from a mother-daughter sounding rocket, American Geophysical Union National Conference, San Francisco, CA, December, 1988.
5. B.E. Gilchrist, P.M. Banks, P.R. Williamson, T. Neubert, S. Noble, J. Jost, F.T. Djuth, W.J. Raitt, N.B. Myers, S. Sasaki, Electron beam emissions from a mother-daughter sounding rocket, URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, January, 1988.
4. Gilchrist, B.E., T. Neubert, P.M. Banks, P.R. Williamson, W.J. Raitt, N.B. Myers, and S. Sasaki, Electron beam emissions from a mother-daughter sounding rocket, American Geophysical Union National Conference, San Francisco, CA, December, 1987.
3. Gilchrist, B.E., P.M. Banks, and A.C. Fraser-Smith, Recent ionospheric modification experiments using energetic electron beams on spacecraft, URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, January, 1987.
2. Gilchrist, B.E., P.M. Banks, and A.C. Fraser-Smith, Recent ionospheric modification experiments using energetic electron beams, American Geophysical Union National Conference, San Francisco, CA, December, 1986.
1. Gilchrist, B.E., P.M. Banks, and A.C. Fraser-Smith, A new RF scattering experiment using electron beam striations in the E-region, American Geophysical Union National Conference, San Francisco, CA, December, 1984.
Government and Other Reports
5. B. Gilchrist, K. Jensen, J. Severns and A. Gallimore, Field-Emitter Array Cathodes (FEACs) for Space-Based Applications: An Enabling Technology, University of Michigan and Naval Research Laboratory, 1999.
4. Gilchrist, B. E., editor, R. Heelis, W. J. Raitt, C. Rupp, Executive Summary -1994 International Summer Workshop on Space Tethers for Ionospheric-Thermospheric-Mesospheric Science, Space Physics Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, July 6-8, 1994.
3. Banks, P.M., A. C. Fraser-Smith, B. E. Gilchrist, K. J. Harker, L. R. O. Storey and P. R. Williamson, New concepts in ionospheric modification, AFGL-TR-88-0133, 1987.
2. B. E. Gilchrist and Smith, L.G., Rocket radio measurement of electron density in the nighttime ionosphere, Univ of Ill, Dep Electr Eng, Aeron Lab, Aeronomy Rep, n 85, Apr 1 1979 123 p
1. Gilchrist, B.E., AMRAAM MIC Manufacturing Technology for Wright-Patterson AFB Materials Lab, Presenter and Briefing Organizer, Palo Alto, June, 1983.